====== guifi.net - Network as a Commons ====== https://guifi.net/en What is? guifi.net is a Telecommunications Networks as a Commons. In guifi.net, users promote and invest in telecommunications infrastructure that ensures Internet quality access at a just price. guifi.net network is open, free and neutral to avoid restrictions on content and technology. Anyone can be a user of guifi.net, a network infrastructure that is part of a Commons. The network uses best available techologies, radio and optical fiber, with connections up to 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps Internet interconnections. In 2008, users founded guifi.net Foundation, which objective is work for Network as Commons, develping and applying an economic model basen on management infrastructure as a Commons Pool Resource and Collaborative Economy. guifi.net Foundation is a NGO for Development, a telecommunications operator ans Volunteer organitzation.